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Entrepreneurship Evolved: The Write Field's Perspective on the Experience Era

Entertaining the thought of entrepreneurship? It’s time to leave those limiting beliefs at the door and step into experiences and spaces where we’re supported to thrive.

I’ll begin by setting the scene.

Research shows that only 39% of women are confident in their capabilities to start a business compared to 55% of men.

Yet, looking at women’s business contribution more generally, the figures tell us that companies with the greatest gender diversity on their executive teams are 21% more likely to outperform peers on profitability and 27% more likely to create superior value.

So why are we less likely to believe we possess entrepreneurial skills?

We all recognise the woman with an entrepreneurial spirit who remains standing on the sidelines, paralysed with fear of joining in. You might even be this woman.

You’re using your skills to create employment for yourself and adding value to others.

So why don’t you see yourself as an entrepreneur? It’s time for us to see our full potential and step into the spaces where we’re most visible.

The research is telling us that whilst women value networks more than men, we are also less likely to know an entrepreneur. Compared to men, we are less likely to have access to sponsors, mentors or professional support networks.

Make it make sense.

There are two separate but reinforcing barriers that affect women on the entrepreneurial journey:

They typically have higher risk awareness than men and are more cautious about starting or scaling a business.

They are less likely to believe they possess entrepreneurial skills.

So, what do we do with this information?

Now is the time to step into the reality of our potential and see ourselves as the entrepreneurs that we are.

Here are my 3 top tips:

1) Build your network.

Expanding mentoring and networking opportunities is not only the greatest investment you can make in yourself - the returns are transformative.

External support is an important facet in building internal expertise, and interacting with other business owners will make you feel more connected to your brand.

We get to exchange information, test ideas, hear success stories and learn about bouncing back with more experienced entrepreneurs. We build connections and create opportunities. Simple.

2) Perceived skill gaps are just that. A perception.

For many women, there is a perceived gap in ability rather than an actual gap in skill sets.

Similarly, women downplay their achievements or credit others for their success. Look around you and let logic take over.

3) Amplify your voice.

Small shifts matter, and they start with the voices in our heads.

Remove words like ‘just’ and ‘little’ from your vocabulary; these minimising words will only restrict your confidence and growth. Think about your own unique brand story and start to shine a light on what you do so well.

Let’s start by doing one thing well and focus on building your network.

In a world increasingly governed by algorithms, hashtags, and character limits, fostering opportunities for genuine human connection is more valuable than ever.

Moreover, in the entrepreneurial world, establishing yourself as an authority in your field requires stepping out of your comfort zone and actively seeking new experiences.

In today's fast-paced world, consumers are no longer content with merely purchasing products or services - they crave experiences.

Enter the experience economy, a rising trend that's reshaping the way businesses engage with their audiences.

Let’s dive into what’s behind this surge.

According to recent statistics, the experience economy is booming.

Mastercard’s Travel Industry Trends Report reported increased spending on experiences by 65% from 2019 to 2023 and this is set to grow further.

This shift is driven by millennials and Gen Z, who prioritise experiences over material possessions.

In fact, 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on an experience or event over buying something desirable.

So here’s something you already know: despite the accessibility of remote experiences and connections in our digital world, the human touch still matters most.

It's all about the desire for meaningful connections and memorable moments.

We’re desperate to get out of our heads and are therefore seeking experiences that engage all of our senses, leaving lasting impressions and connections … and fostering brand loyalty.

From masterclasses to events, The Write Field understands the importance of creating unforgettable experiences. The pull of freedom, connection, and experience is, more often than not, a personal drive for many of us who are building dreams and brands!

Empowered women empower women,, and it’s so important for us to come together, pause and recognise the little ripples of impact that we’re making.

By showing up, collaborating and investing we’re supporting one another and - perhaps more importantly - showing those around us that it’s possible to build soulful brands on our own terms.

The Write Field Brand Voice Boutique is all about giving voice to female founders, equipping them with the words to tell their story and supporting them to communicate with confidence.

When I’m not writing, I’m creating events and masterclasses to provide my community with heaps of support.

I don’t just mention your name in a room full of opportunities; I welcome you into the room and open up the opportunities to you.

Let’s continue the conversation.

You’ll find a selection of services here to suit clients at all stages of their business growth, which include Done For You and Done With You copywriting.

Research sources:

The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship


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