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Hyper perfectionism.

Shall we let go of holding ourselves to impossibly high standards?

The loose theory: Chronic overachievers & people pleasers - we all know them and I suspect that some of you reading this post may well have fallen foul of this increasing phenomenon!

The rough research: A desire to develop, grow and level up is no doubt a healthy motivator and is indeed a common theme in the Instagram echo chamber of January 2023! As an extreme and sustained state however, an obsession with success leading to Hyper Perfectionism will interfere with the quality of your life and have a counterproductive effect on the endeavours that you are striving to achieve. Craving approval, or performing in ‘all or nothing’ mode will eventually lead to paralysis.

The research is varied and wide-ranging, but it goes without saying that the triggers of Hyper Perfectionism can be both intrinsic and extrinsic. Similarly, the solution can be both internally and externally derived: internally, through brain training to undo unhealthy habits (check out our neuroplasticity post for more on this); externally, through brokering support or task outsourcing.

The Write Field Approach: The small business owner is operating at an insane level of hyper productivity. Whilst impressive - and necessary at points - this is not sustainable and can become counterproductive when it manifests as Hyper Perfectionism.

That’s where we come in. The antidote to Hyper Perfectionism lies in the setting of attainable, small steps and being open to the opportunities of seeking support and/or outsourcing expertise.

What can that look like in practical terms? Explore our services offering to get an idea.

In summary, The Write Field can’t rewire your brain, but our services can develop your brand strategy & mental capacity at a greater pace in the long run.

Join The Write Field community and help us to spread the message of progress over perfection!

1 comment

1 Kommentar

12. Juni 2023

Progress not perfection is the key! Love this post. We have so much to do as small biz owners and we have to let go of perfectionism for sure. Finding other small businesses to support us in our endeavours is indeed key. We cannot do it all ourselves. Thank you for being one of those supporting pillars!

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